Radial Gauge

Linear Gauge

Bullet Graph

Segmented Display

This sample demonstrates how to specify nested radial gauge scales.
The largest scale shows the hours and minutes, while the upper right scale shows 24 hours based hour. The bottom scale shows the current seconds.
Upper left scale could be used to display a chronograph minutes, and the largest red needle to display the chronograph seconds.

For detailed implementation, please take a look at the HTML code tab.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	Nested Scales Example - HTML5 jQuery Radial Gauge JavaScript Plugin
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/dataviz.gauges.css" />
	<script src="../../js/dataviz.gauges.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script lang="javascript" type="text/javascript">
		var anchorGradient = {
			type: 'radialGradient',
			x0: 0.35,
			y0: 0.35,
			r0: 0.0,
			x1: 0.35,
			y1: 0.35,
			r1: 1,
			colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#4F6169' },
						 { offset: 1, color: '#252E32'}]

		var state = {
			background: '#F7F7F7',
			border: {
				lineWidth: 8,
				strokeStyle: '#76786A',
				padding: 10
			shadows: {
				enabled: true
			anchor: {
				visible: true,
				fillStyle: anchorGradient
			tooltips: {
				disabled: true,
				highlighting: false
			annotations: [
			 	text: 'Nested scales',
			 	horizontalOffset: 0.5,
			 	verticalOffset: 0.2,
			 	font: '16px sans-serif'
			scales: [
					name: 'clockScale',
					minimum: 0,
					maximum: 12,
					interval: 1,
					startAngle: 270,
					endAngle: 630,
					zIndex: 3,
					labels: {
						offset: 0.85,
						showFirstLabel: false,
						font: '14px sans-serif'
					minorTickMarks: {
						visible: true,
						interval: 0.2,
						offset: 0.98
					majorTickMarks: {
						lineWidth: 3,
						offset: 0.97
					needles: [
							value: 1,
							type: 'pointer',
							outerOffset: 0.5,
							mediumOffset: 0.4,
							width: 12,
							fillStyle: '#252E32'
							value: 6,
							type: 'pointer',
							outerOffset: 0.8,
							mediumOffset: 0.6,
							width: 12,
							fillStyle: '#252E32'
							value: 0,
							type: 'line',
							outerOffset: 0.8,
							innerOffset: -0.2,
							lineWidth: 3,
							strokeStyle: '#B2183E'
					name: 'secondsScale',
					radius: 50,
					mininum: 0,
					maximum: 60,
					startAngle: 270,
					endAngle: 630,
					isReversed: true,
					interval: 20,
					vCenterOffset: 0.75,
					zIndex: 2,
					anchor: {
						visible: true,
						radius: 0.1,
						fillStyle: anchorGradient
					labels: {
						offset: 0.45,
						showFirstLabel: false,
						font: '10px sans-serif'
					majorTickMarks: {
						lineWidth: 2,
						offset: 0.6,
						length: 6,
						interval: 10
					minorTickMarks: {
						visible: true,
						interval: 1,
						lineWidth: 1,
						offset: 0.66,
						length: 3
					needles: [
							value: 1,
							type: 'pointer',
							outerOffset: 0.6,
							mediumOffset: 0.5,
							width: 3,
							fillStyle: '#252E32'
					name: 'fullDayHours',
					radius: 60,
					mininum: 1,
					maximum: 24,
					startAngle: 270,
					endAngle: 630,
					isReversed: true,
					interval: 2,
					vCenterOffset: 0.35,
					hCenterOffset: 0.7,
					zIndex: 2,
					anchor: {
						visible: true,
						radius: 0.1,
						fillStyle: anchorGradient
					labels: {
						offset: 0.4,
						showFirstLabel: false,
						interval: 4,
						font: '10px sans-serif'
					majorTickMarks: {
						lineWidth: 2,
						offset: 0.58,
						length: 8,
						interval: 2
					minorTickMarks: {
						visible: true,
						interval: 1,
						lineWidth: 1,
						offset: 0.66,
						length: 3
					needles: [
							value: 1,
							type: 'pointer',
							outerOffset: 0.6,
							mediumOffset: 0.5,
							width: 3,
							fillStyle: '#252E32'
					ranges: [
							innerStartOffset: 0.72,
							innerEndOffset: 0.72,
							outerOffset: 0.73,
							lineWidth: 0.2,
							fillStyle: '#252E32',
							startValue: 0,
							endValue: 24
							innerStartOffset: 0.64,
							innerEndOffset: 0.64,
							outerOffset: 0.64,
							lineWidth: 0.2,
							fillStyle: '#252E32',
							startValue: 0,
							endValue: 24
					name: 'chronographMinutes',
					radius: 60,
					mininum: 0,
					maximum: 60,
					startAngle: 270,
					endAngle: 630,
					isReversed: true,
					interval: 10,
					vCenterOffset: 0.35,
					hCenterOffset: 0.3,
					zIndex: 2,
					anchor: {
						visible: true,
						radius: 0.1,
						fillStyle: anchorGradient
					labels: {
						offset: 0.4,
						showFirstLabel: false,
						font: '10px sans-serif'
					majorTickMarks: {
						lineWidth: 2,
						offset: 0.58,
						length: 8
					minorTickMarks: {
						visible: true,
						interval: 1,
						lineWidth: 1,
						offset: 0.66,
						length: 3
					needles: [
							value: 0,
							type: 'pointer',
							outerOffset: 0.6,
							mediumOffset: 0.5,
							width: 3,
							fillStyle: '#252E32'
					ranges: [
							innerStartOffset: 0.72,
							innerEndOffset: 0.72,
							outerOffset: 0.73,
							lineWidth: 0.2,
							fillStyle: '#252E32',
							startValue: 0,
							endValue: 60
							innerStartOffset: 0.64,
							innerEndOffset: 0.64,
							outerOffset: 0.64,
							lineWidth: 0.2,
							fillStyle: '#252E32',
							startValue: 0,
							endValue: 60
		var radialGauge = new DataViz.RadialGauge(state);

		radialGauge.addEventListener('labelCreating', function (event, data) {
			if (data.context.scale.name === 'clockScale') {
				switch (data.text) {
					case '1':
						data.text = 'I';
					case '2':
						data.text = 'II';
					case '3':
						data.text = 'III';
					case '4':
						data.text = 'IV';
					case '5':
						data.text = 'V';
					case '6':
						data.text = 'VI';
					case '7':
						data.text = 'VII';
					case '8':
						data.text = 'VIII';
					case '9':
						data.text = 'IX';
					case '10':
						data.text = 'X';
					case '11':
						data.text = 'XI';
					case '12':
						data.text = 'XII';


		function updateGauge() {
			var currentValues = getValidTime();

			var scales = state.scales;

			scales[0].needles[0].value = currentValues.hours;
			scales[0].needles[1].value = currentValues.minutes;

			scales[1].needles[0].value = currentValues.seconds;

			//24 hour value
			scales[2].needles[0].value = currentValues.hoursFullDay;


			setTimeout('updateGauge()', 1000);

		function getValidTime() {
			var currentTime = new Date();

			var hoursValue = currentTime.getHours();
			var minutesValue = currentTime.getMinutes() / 5;
			var secondsValue = currentTime.getSeconds();
			var hoursFullDay = currentTime.getHours();

			if (hoursValue > 12) {
				hoursValue -= 12;

			hoursValue += (minutesValue / 12 * 11) / 12;
			hoursFullDay += (minutesValue / 12 * 11) / 12;

			return {
				hours: hoursValue,
				minutes: minutesValue,
				seconds: secondsValue,
				hoursFullDay: hoursFullDay


		<div id="container" style="width: 350px; height: 350px;">