Chart Data

Performance !!!

Bar and Column Charts

Line and Area Charts

Pie and Funnel Charts

Scatter and Bubble Charts

Radar and Polar Charts

Financial Charts

Gantt Charts

Combinational Charts

Working with Chart Axes

Chart Features

Customizing Chart

Client-Side Events

The area chart can be plotted on a linear, date time or category x-axis (x-values are numeric, dates or categories (strings)).

In this example the area chart in plotted on a category axis.

For detailed implementation, please take a look at the Aspx code tab.
<%@ Page  Language="C#"  %>

<%@ Register assembly="JQChart.Web" namespace="JQChart.Web.UI.WebControls" tagprefix="jqChart" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/Content/jquery.jqChart.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/Content/themes/le-frog/jquery-ui-1.8.20.css" />
    <script src="<% = ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="<% = ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery.jqChart.min.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <form runat="server">
    <jqChart:Chart ID="Chart1" Width="500px" Height="300px" runat="server">
        <Title Text="Area Chart"></Title>
        <Animation Enabled="True" Duration="00:00:01" />
            <jqChart:AreaSeries Title="Area 1">
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="A" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="B" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="C" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="D" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="E" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="F" />
                    <jqChart:StringValue Value="G" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="56" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="30" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="62" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="65" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="40" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="36" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="70" />
                <FillStyle Color="#418CF0">
            <jqChart:AreaSeries Title="Area 2">
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="46" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="25" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="48" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="35" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="32" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="30" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="40" />
                <FillStyle Color="#FCB441">
            <jqChart:AreaSeries Title="Area 3">
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="26" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="20" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="38" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="32" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="22" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="24" />
                    <jqChart:DoubleValue Value="20" />
                <FillStyle Color="#E0400A">


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace SamplesBrowser.Models
    public class EmptyChartModel